40 Things - The Premise

So, I was out and about, a'surfing the web and discovered http://www.drunkard.com and more importantly this page, and decided to set out on a quest to complete as many, or all of these activities as possible. Here is the resulting documentation, and advice on following in my footsteps. Any advice people could give me would also be greatly appreciated.

Tuesday 13 February 2007

4.) Dance like a fool in front of a large hooting crowd.

4.) Dance like a fool in front of a large hooting crowd.
Cast aside your fear of public opinion, march to the center of the room’s attention and boogie down. You don’t need a partner, you don’t even need music, do a happy jig to the beat of your own drum. Of course, it helps to be really really drunk.

Those of you who know me know full well that this is a fond pastime of mine, of a drunken evening, and so it will come as no suprise to hear that this was one of the first of these challenges I completeded. One memorable ocasion is at one of Jonny's parties, where we hooked up a bicycle light to work as a strobe (we are THAT ghetto sometimes) and rocked out most heartily.

Just to avoid ambiguity, it was Jonny and I who marched into the room and rocked out. Not the other inhabitants of the room. Well not to start with anyway.

3.) Drink a fifth of hard liquor, by yourself, in one day.

3.) Drink a fifth of hard liquor, by yourself, in one day.
For some this is a typical evening, the rest will have to try harder. Unplug the phone, don’t answer the door and get down with your bad self. Stock up on ice, gather mixers if you need them, crack the seal and, inch by inch, take that proud bottle down. Take your own sweet time. Near the bottom you will discover a rich inner landscape you thought a barren desert. Explore it.

Oh I have done this many a time, if "by yourself" can be taken to mean, "without others nicking bits". There were times, in my 16th year, where we weould not consider it a good night unless such copious amounts had been consumed. It reached such a stage that my good friend Ellie and I could distinguish, by taste, the different types of vodka available to us. Bearing in mind we were not finacial sucsesses these were of the cheaper end of the market. A remarkable feat, as I'm sure you'll agree.

That amount of liquor does, as I'm sure you'll appreciate, result in a certain hazyness when attempting to recall exact details of such occasions, however, one memorable snippet comes to mind. One is of the occasion my friends and I had a fancy dress themed picnic in a park, and then headed up to the southbank. I definatly remember arriving there and flinging aside a bottle of scotch in disgust due to the fact it was empty. I remember opening
ottle of Malibu. I remember little else.